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The GB Judo Community
A non-profit & independent initiative. 

Improving judo for everyone!
Through information and action



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  • Free Newsletter

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£ 1.55
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Improving Judo for everyone through information and action!



You might not agree with everything GBJC gets involved with but it is highly unlikely you don’t agree with some of the things GBJC does!  

Improving judo for all benefits everybody & Judo! 

If you think many of the recent improvements by judo associations happened without GBJC’s influence?  

Think Again!

Most recently:

  • Safeguarding:

GBJC circulated a petition for a public coach registry and afterawards the BJA started their own petition with 95% agreeing.  Soon after the BJA published their coach registry followe by the BJC Ltd and JudoScotland Ltd.

  • Ineligble players competing at Regional Schools competitions:

After parents complained about this happening in 2024 in the GBJC FaceBook group.  
GBJC crowdsourced research into entries, rankings and results.  Indentified 6 cases from the BJA Midland and BJA Southern Area competitions.  
Concluding with the BJA Safeguarding Manager promising that the issue has been dealt with!

  • The removal of the Performance Director & Restructuing of the BJA’s “World Class Performance Programme”:

While GBJC was not directly involved. 
The group of Judo coaches that got together, stood up, complained and demanded changes. 
Did so in the spirit of …



See Documentation.

The simple answer is:

You shouldn’t have to pay & you don’t need to pay!  

The free membership option is there so anybody can have a look at the membership content and decide whether you want to become a paying community member, or not.

The free membership option is intermittenly available for several reasons including to regulate website traffic.  
On several occasions website traffic overwhelmed the host server and shut down the website to “cool off” for an hour or two. 
While others can afford more expensive hosting services or even their own dedicated server.
GBJC can’t!   

Why pay?  

Much of what GBJC provides and does should, in our opinion, be provided or done by the judo associations. 
But isn’t!  

As long as they don’t provide even close to the exclusive content that GBJC does. 
GBJC will continue and also hold the judo association accountable.

By keeping the judo community informed and by taking action action!

Got an issue you want GBJC to get involved with?
Contact GBJC in full confidence! 



See Documentation.

ALL income from the comunity membership programme will only be used on direct expsnses involved with running the GBJC website! 

NOTHING will be spent on:

  • Saleries!
    There is no staff.

  • Reimbursements of travel, food, hotels and expenses!

  • “International Relations”!  

  • Remunerations Payments!
    GBJC does not have any directora nor a Chair and certainly no secret “Executive team”!
    See Petition at the bottom of the page.

Free versus paid software:

Out of the currently used 24 plug-ins (software) that GBJC uses, 17 of these are the free versions.  

This keeps expenses to a minimum but it comes at a price. 
Limited functionality, more cumbersome and time consuming in use.  

The membership software GBJC currently uses is the free version
Best of the 6 tested. 

The Newsletter software GBJC uses is the free version. 
Limiting the amount of subscribers. 

So is the software fo Graphics, Spam protection, CAPTCHA, Image compression, file management, coding and others.

GBJC is fully aware the website could be better, cover more issues and make improvements with the website!  

This takes time and a little money!

To become a paying Yellow Community member the charge for a month is only £1,55!  
Nothing to cancel, a one off payment of only £1,55 and all transactions are handled securely by STRIPE.

If you want to show your support for what the GB Judo Community does?

Please sign up!




See Documentation.

Ask Anything!

GBJC has nothing to hide!

Email GBJC by going to the top menu and click “Contact” and select the email depending on your query.  

  • General Contact

  • Calendar Contact

  • Membership Contact


Latest GBJC Initiative

1st April is Fool’s day!

This year it also happens to be the day the British Judo Association Ltd company raises their membership fee by over 20%.

Find out why GBJC believes BJA coaches should be given FREE BJA membership!

A cost of only £45,000 to the Ltd company with an annual turnover of over £5 million pounds.
in copmparison to BJA management awarding BJA management over £448,000 as remuneration payment for unknown services.





The GB Judo Community (GBJC) is a non-profit, independent & unfunded initiative to improve judo in through information and action!


Most recent developments influenced by the spirit of GBJC:

  • An apoligy over the poorly organised English Open 2025 competition by a BJA Director.

  • The promise by the BJA Safeguarding Manager that ineligble players will not compete at regional schools competitions in the future.

  • BJA coverage of international competition and athletes representing them with website articles.  

  • The creation of public judo coach registries as an improvement to safeguarding and giving legitimate judo coaches the public reognition hey deserve.

  • The restructuring of the BJA WCPP.
    (World Class Performance Programme)

  • The publication of free photos from the Schools Championships 2025 whereas the British Judo expected mwmbwea to pay £8 per photo at last year’s competition.  

  • The Community Judo Events Calendar with its specialist sub calendars. 
    Open to all Judo association events and the many these don’t list. 
    Randori, Masterclasses, Veteran events, Charity and Fundraisers, Social events and courses.

Along with many other, big and small, improvements within judo in Britain.

  • Our latest grassroots initiative is a petition to grant BJA coaches free membership.



If you agree?


The simple answer is:

You shouldn’t have to pay & you don’t need to pay!  

But nobody else does what the GBJC does! 
Providing facts and information relevant to judo in Britain with established integrity and fully independent of any judo politics!   

The British Judo Association Ltd and their regional England representatives (Areas) receive 100% BJA membership and grading fees generated by BJA England grassroots judo clubs and coaches.  

Yet some of the Areas, that get 20%, don’t even have a functioning website or have a website that is so outdated and poorly designed/managed it makes some speculate when the internet was invented.  

Grassroots BJA clubs and coaches generated over £1,7 million pounds in income for BJA head office, 2023-2024.

Yet BJA coaches, the foundation of everything judo within the organisation. past – present – future, have to pay themselves for their coach education and maintaining their BJA coaching licenses.

And they are also expected to pay to be members of the BJA!  

Whereas at the British judo Association Ltd company, with over 40 paid employees and an annual turnover of over £5 million pounds. 
Paid, 2023-2024, the BJA Chair and his secret “Executive Team” consisting of BJA Directors and managers. 

Over £448,000 pounds as “remuneration payments” for unknown services and without any clarification! 

These payments were approved by ….

The BJA Chair, Gerry Gualtieri, the BJA CEO, Andrew Scoular, and a secret commission member who is an “Independent Non Elected Director”, INED.
Appointed by the BJA Board of Directors.  

The cost of granting BJA coaches in England free membership is about £45,000 a year in comparision.  

In 2020-2021, when Covid affected judo catastrophically. 
BJA England membership fell by over 60%, yet remuneration payments went up by 6% to over £455,000! 
(This figure was secretly altered after the BJA accounts had been approved at the AGM.)  
Austrian judo membership fell by 30% in comparison, Dutch judo membership by 18%.  

Shortly aftwards, BJA Director, Claire Lish, stated on social media “There is no remuneration”, despite being part of the BJA remuneration commission approving these payments.  

When GBJC took this up and challenged her false statement, Claire Lish resigned two years early as a INED BJA director in 2023.       


If you agree?



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